About ITP

Our experience in tax preparation provides a quality of service that is beyond comparison.

Preparing your own income tax returns can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office last year, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer.

Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program, there is no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.

At Income Tax Professionals, our mission is to offer our clients valuable time and money saving tips, along with professional, ethical and courteous service. By continuously updating our accounting and tax knowledge through seminars and classes throughout the year, we can make certain your tax returns are not only in compliance, but make available to you the most current benefits possible to reduce tax liabilities.

Relationships and ideas don’t develop by chance. They result from hard work and careful nurturing.

We are committed to building strong client relationships based on open communication with each client, and believe that the trust clients put in us is paramount. We are passionate about rolling up our sleeves and working hard to help our clients.

You receive Peace of Mind and Real Value – a superior quality tax return, prepared quickly, e-filed, at a very reasonable price.

We specialize in preparing personal income tax returns with a high degree of professionalism and customer service.